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3CAD: Transform your design-to- manufacturing furniture journey

From concept to completion, 3CAD CPQ software streamlines your entire furniture workflow.

Why 3CAD

  • Simple 3D visualization
  • See what you create
  • Optimize production management
See 3CAD in action
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Visualize, customize, price, quote and produce

Accessible from any device and location, 3CAD CPQ software offers a seamless experience for overseeing and monitoring furniture orders from start to finish.

Progettazione e visualizzazione

Configura qualsiasi tuo prodotto di arredo in 3D con un potente software parametrico che automatizza molte delle complesse regole richieste per la produzione.

  • Modifiche in tempo reale:modifica istantaneamente i progetti per esplorare stili, colori e configurazioni diverse, facilitando il processo decisionale dei clienti.
  • Visualizzazione dinamica:utilizza tecniche di rendering avanzate per produrre immagini e animazioni realistiche dei tuoi arredi, migliorando l'esperienza del cliente e il processo di vendita.

Order management

Streamline your furniture sales process with real-time pricing, configuration validation, and order tracking.

  • Automated pricing: Generate immediate pricing for any configuration, accelerating the sales cycle and improving customer satisfaction.
  • Order validation: Automatically validate configurations against production rules to ensure accuracy and feasibility, reducing errors.
  • Centralized dashboard: View and manage all orders in a single, user-friendly interface, providing full control and visibility over the sales process.

Manufacturing integration

Direct CNC machine integration reduces lead times and minimizes errors, enhancing production efficiency.

  • CNC machine connectivity: Directly integrate with CNC machines, automating the transfer of manufacturing specifications and reducing production lead times.
  • Error minimization: Streamline the production process by eliminating manual data entry and the potential for errors, ensuring quality and consistency.
  • Production efficiency: Optimize manufacturing workflows with automated creation of technical files and itemization, enhancing shop floor operations.


Adapt 3CAD to fit your unique business needs, from UI customization to specific production requirements.

  • User Interface (UI) customization: Tailor the 3CAD interface to match your brand and user preferences, improving usability and user experience.
  • Adaptable software framework: Configure 3CAD to meet specific business requirements, from product design rules to output formats, ensuring flexibility.
  • Client-specific configurations: Offer bespoke customization options for clients, allowing for personalized product designs and features.

Trusted by industry leaders: See who's excelling with 3CAD

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Transform your business with 3CAD CPQ Software: efficiency, accuracy, innovation



Accelerate design and production cycles

3CAD's advanced 3D visualization capabilities consistently adhere to your catalog rules, fully supporting the "what you see is what you get" approach. This reduces the time from concept to market, allowing businesses to respond swiftly to trends and customer demands.

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Reduce operational costs and errors

By automating and integrating design, pricing, order validation, and manufacturing processes, 3CAD significantly cuts down on manual intervention. This not only reduces the potential for costly errors but also lowers overall operational expenses by optimizing resource allocation and minimizing waste.

Enhance product customization and customer satisfaction

3CAD's flexible configuration and customization tools empower businesses to offer a wider array of personalized products. This ability to cater to individual customer preferences not only elevates the buying experience but also fosters greater customer loyalty and satisfaction, ultimately leading to higher sales and repeat business.

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Talk to an expert

Real-life advice, inspiration, insights and inspiration, to challenge, enlighten and help you identify new opportunities that will make your business even stronger.

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  • "We've helped our customers by supporting them through the busying process with the tools 3CAD offers."

    Carlo Rocchetti

  • "3CAD has become essential to us and our customers, as it allows us to make the Novello collection tangible by creating 3D drawings and applying customizable finishes and modules easily and in real time."

    Luca Novello