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Your flooring journey, our integrated solution.

Unlocking seamless experiences for residential flooring

Boost profitability with mobile-centric solutions tailored for the modern residential flooring business.
Discover the Cyncly difference
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Client partners in the flooring industry

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  • Logo-FlooringAmerica.png
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For ambitious retailers looking to scale, we help you ensure that growth doesn’t compromise quality

Together with Cyncly’s innovative solutions, let’s craft a winning formula for growth and unmatched quality in flooring.

usando le soluzioni Cyncly

aumento della produttività
usando le soluzioni Cyncly

saved monthly with automation
using Cyncly solutions
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Adapt in an ever-changing landscape

From shifting customer demands to unpredictable supply chains, the pressures are real.

We provide the solutions to stay agile and ahead in this ever-changing market.

How is the flooring industry stepping up its game with digital transformation?

Scale what works best

Eliminate manual inefficiencies and reinvest your time into strategic projects that help grow your business.

Mobile-centric solutions

On-the-go tools tailored for the digital age.

Estimate accurately & profitably

Close deals swiftly with pinpoint accuracy, every time.

The digital revolution in residential flooring is here

Are you equipped for the next chapter? Begin your digital transformation journey now.
  • Streamlined operations
  • Informed decisions
  • Maximized profitability

Need advice?

Build new online sales channels with a complete digital storefront, making it easy for customers to review catalog items and explore modular designs.

Talk to an expert

Utilizzato da più di 70.000 clienti in tutto il mondoper cambiare e migliorare la propria attività