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Streamlining success for furniture manufacturers and retailers.

Crafted for perfection: Streamlining your path to market

Connect every step from the workshop to your customer with seamless solutions that ensure quality and on-time delivery.

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Watch Cyncly's end-to-end manufacturing vision

Client partners delivering amazing furniture solutions

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Direct craftsmanship, direct sales

Navigate the tightrope of manufacturing and direct retail with solutions that ensure your brand stands out for its quality and customer dedication.

enhanced operational efficiency
via automated manufacturing process.

more sales
with smart lead generation and integrated VCPQ.

fewer production errors
with unified data journeys.
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Meet growing expectations for customization

Lead the industry’s shift towards personalized furniture without sacrificing efficiency. Navigate supply chain complexities and evolving market trends with Cyncly’s integrated manufacturing and retail solutions.

Provide growth and customer satisfaction

Eliminate inefficient manual processes and invest your time on strategies for growth and service improvement.

Integrate and

Consistent data, transparent tracking and easy-to-adapt contract and order management give you a foundation to expand operations.

Build on
best practices

Preserve your expertise tribal knowledge by documenting digital workflows that deliver long-lasting business value with your personal touch.

Enhance every touchpoint of the furniture manufacturing and retail journey

  • Visual Configure, Price, Quote (VCPQ) with integrated production data
  • Streamlined order management
  • Shop-floor management
  • KPIs / Dashboards

What’s your need?

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3CAD - Europe

Increase your customer involvement

Utilize visually engaging CPQ tools to captivate potential customers, leading to increased lead generation and a direct boost in sales performance.

  • VCPQ
  • Fully customizable
  • Direct link to ERP

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See 3CAD 
in action

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See Insight 
in action

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Streamline your order process

Establish a real-time link between sales and production, allowing for a fluid exchange of information and a more responsive supply chain.

  • Order management
  • Link to 3CAD (GAE/VOP)

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Produce and deliver smarter

Automate your manufacturing processes for superior order management, optimized shop floor operations and precise production scheduling.

  • Shop-floor management
  • ERP
  • WMS
  • MES
  • Logistics

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See Insight
in action

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See Insight
in action

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Strategic insights

Gain a clear perspective of your business landscape with comprehensive reporting dashboards that offer a unified view of your commercial and ERP systems.

  • Business Intelligence
  • Dashboards
  • Reporting

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Solutions to start change

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3CAD - Europe


Ottimizza e collega progettazione e produzione con il software CPQ 3CAD. Aumenta l'efficienza, la collaborazione in tempo reale e l'integrazione CNC/ERP in ogni progetto.

Furniture Manufacturing
Best for
Manufacture Design Inspire Sell
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The industry-specific ERP manufacturing software solution for cabinet, furniture and architectural millwork manufacturers.

Furniture Manufacturing
Business Intelligence ERP Manufacturing
Best for
Manufacture Install Sell

Need advice?

Build new online sales channels with a complete digital storefront, making it easy for customers to review catalog items and explore modular designs.

Talk to an expert

Utilizzato da più di 70.000 clienti in tutto il mondoper cambiare e migliorare la propria attività