Cyncly is acquiring Broadlume to provide a complete, integrated platform that helps flooring companies sell faster, easier, and smarter

Cyncly and Broadlume: Transforming flooring together

  • Connect digital marketing, CRM, ERP & visualization
  • Drive innovation for dealers, distributors & makers
  • Boost customer acquisition, efficiency & profitability
Cyncly Connect Flooring logo

Chicago, May 20-22 - Register now

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Explore our products

Partenaires clients dansle secteurdes revêtements de sol

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Détaillants ambitieux qui cherchent à se développer, nous vous aidons à faire en sorte que votre croissance ne compromette pas la qualité de vos produits.

Avec les solutions innovantes de Cyncly, élaborons ensemble une formule gagnante pour assurer votre croissance et une qualité inégalée dans le secteur du revêtement de sol.

using Cyncly solutions

increase in production throughput
using Cyncly solutions

saved monthly with automation
using Cyncly solutions
Cyncly website - Visual 17 Flooring - Residential - 5 Hero.jpg

Adapt in an ever-changing landscape

From shifting customer demands to unpredictable supply chains, the pressures are real.

We provide the solutions to stay agile and ahead in this ever-changing market.

How is the flooring industry stepping up its game with digital transformation?

Larévolution numériquedans le domaine du revêtement de sol résidentiel est amorcée

Êtes-vous équipé pour la prochaine étape ? Commencez votre transformation numérique dès aujourd'hui.
RFMS ERP Product Icon


Integrate and act on data

Gather, share and leverage critical data for estimating, selling, and delivering successful projects with the support of integrated mobile apps.

  • Accounting
  • Product file
  • Inventory
  • Order entry
  • Sales reporting

Learn more

RFMS ERP Product Icon


Mobile sales and estimation

Elevate your sales process with integrated eCommerce and precise mobile estimation tools that deliver a superior customer journey.

  • RFMS Mobile
  • Measure Mobile
  • Mobile Work Orders

Learn more

RFMS ERP Product Icon


Manage customer relationships

Develop a detailed organization of your customer relationships to streamline communication, manage project flow, and ensure reliable service.

  • Lead management
  • Customer communication
  • Measure Mobile and RFMS Mobile integration

Learn more

RFMS ERP Product Icon


Strengthen your business model

Refine your business model to support your unique approach, ensuring that growth is managed without sacrificing quality or customer satisfaction.

  • Schedule Pro
  • Direct Deposit

Learn more

RFMS ERP Product Icon



The complete solution for your flooring enterprise.

Secteurs d'activité
Retail ERP On-site sales
Le meilleur pour
Sell Install
Measure Desktop Product Icon

Measure Desktop

Measure Desktop

Enhance flooring efficiency with Measure software. Accurate bidding, 3D visualization, and streamlined workflows for project success.

Secteurs d'activité
Mobile Retail
Le meilleur pour
Inspire Design Sell

Need advice?

Build new online sales channels with a complete digital storefront, making it easy for customers to review catalog items and explore modular designs.

Talk to an expert

Utilisé par 70 000+ clients dans le monde entier pour changer et améliorer leur entreprise