Virtual Worlds training

Become a more knowledgeable user with our eLearning, instructor led or custom training courses. 95% of attendees would recommend our training courses to a colleague, and, with courses running every week, you can join one of the 400 people currently being trained every month by our dedicated training team.

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A group of diverse individuals is engaged in a training session in a computer lab. A young woman in a white shirt is focused on her desktop computer, while another woman in a red sweater with long dreadlocks is sitting next to her. An instructor stands nearby, offering guidance. The room has a modern design with hexagonal wall patterns.
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Instructor led professional training

Learn with an online or onsite classes

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Build your own agenda for an online or onsite classes

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Virtual Worlds professional training

Learn the best way to plan with Virtual Worlds, and discover tips, tricks and tools that you didn’t know Virtual Worlds could do. The Virtual Worlds Professional Training course is the ideal course for all new Virtual Worlds users that covers more than just the very basics, building upon topics covered in the Getting Started guide.


Date Title Place Training manager  
17/02/2025 - 20/02/2025
Professional Training
Live and on Your PC (Online) Mark Bateman

03/03/2025 - 06/03/2025
Professional Training
Live and on Your PC (Online) Mark Bateman

26/02/2025 - 27/02/2025
Professional Training
Ashby, UK - LE65 2UZ (Leicestershire) Mark Bateman

26/03/2025 - 27/03/2025
Professional Training
Ashby, UK - LE65 2UZ (Leicestershire) Mark Bateman

Custom courses

Industry leading training courses tailored to your requirements.

Custom course at your office

Are you looking for in-person training but have a large group? You can maximise your investment in training with a custom course at your office – or our office. Our professional training team will work with you to create an agenda that fits your needs and makes the day worthwhile.

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Custom online course

Are you looking for training for yourself or a small group, or would you like to improve your technical skills in a specific area? You can book a custom online course and our professional training team will collaborate with you and tailor the content to your needs.

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Get in touch with your training requirements