Spaces Flex: Accelerate consumer conversion

Design smarter, sell faster – Spaces Flex boosts conversion rates and helps you seal deals quicker.

Why Spaces Flex

  • Faster conversions
  • Smarter interactions
  • Easier designs
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Transform your customers' design and sales journeys.

Spaces Flex redefines the retail experience by facilitating diverse customer journeys. Whether starting with online inspiration or direct in-store engagement, the platform provides robust tools for design, visualization, and sales, ensuring retailers can cater to every customer's unique path to purchase.
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Inspiration and Design Online

Spaces Flex ignites the creative process, offering a rich online platform where customers can find inspiration and begin designing their dream spaces with ease and sophistication.

  • Engage and entice customers with an interactive online experience that showcases inspiring design possibilities.
  • Utilize mood boards and style selectors to pinpoint customer preferences and streamline the design process.
  • Leverage AI to transform consumer inputs into captivating designs, enhancing the online exploration journey.
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Demand Generation

The platform not only captivates potential customers with engaging design tools but also effectively converts their interest into actionable leads, propelling sales and growing business.

  • Convert online projects into booked design appointments, ensuring a continuous flow of information to in-store designers.
  • Facilitate a creative and interactive project qualification process that delights and engages online consumers.
  • Harness the power of online mood boards to capture and communicate customer visions effectively.
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Project Management in the Cloud

With Spaces Flex, project management becomes a streamlined, cloud-based operation, allowing for real-time collaboration, updates, and oversight from anywhere, at any time.

  • Centralize all project-related content, from inspiration to detailed design elements, in a single cloud-based platform.
  • Monitor and track every stage of a project lifecycle, offering transparency and control to both retailers and consumers.
  • Prepare for future innovation with a platform designed to integrate seamlessly with AI advancements.
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Integration and Data Insights

Spaces Flex ensures a seamless transition from design to sale, integrating with existing CRM, ERP, and e-commerce systems to provide a comprehensive and efficient retail experience.

  • Ensure a cohesive retail experience by connecting Spaces Flex with your existing CRM, ERP, and e-commerce systems.
  • Provide real-time authentication for users and staff, streamlining the design-to-purchase process across all touchpoints.
  • Access real-time data and rund reports across multiple dimensions focused on projects, users and stores.

Trusted by industry leaders: See who's excelling with Spaces Flex.


Spaces Flex enhances digital engagement, enabling precise design and configuration, and streamlining the sales process to elevate customer satisfaction and drive business growth.


Design empowerment

Empower customers with intuitive tools to design, visualize, and accurately price their projects, fostering independence within a cloud-based ecosystem that ensures accessibility and ease of use.

Seamless transition

Simplify the customer journey, bridging online inspiration with expert in-store consultation, to ensure a seamless transition that leads to perfectly executed project installations and heightened customer satisfaction.

Adaptive innovation

Maintain a competitive edge by leveraging Spaces Flex, a platform that continuously adapts to evolving retail landscapes and shifts in consumer preferences, ensuring your retail experience remains future-proof and customer-centric.

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Talk to an expert

Real-life advice, insights and inspiration, to challenge, enlighten and help you identify new opportunities that will make your business even stronger.

Request a demo
  • "Making the design process easier was key to the way we sell kitchens, bedrooms and bathrooms and Spaces Flex has done just that. It’s simple to use, quick to learn and fully integrated, so our team can focus on helping our customers create their dream space. The solution is truly market-leading and the support, originally and now ongoing, has been invaluable."