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Pioneering online excellence in glass fabrication.

Solutions for glass fabricators to enhance operations

Become a digital leader with agile pricing, quoting and fabrication solutions. Upgrade your operations and deliver on your promises every time.

Transform your business today
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Client partners in the glass industry

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  • Logo-Oldcastle-bw.png
  • Logo-PressGlass-bw.png
  • logos-tvitec-bw.png

Key features for glass fabricators

Harness digital capabilities to enhance fabrication processes, reduce dependency on manual knowledge, and deliver an outstanding customer experience online.

glass fabricators
using Cyncly solutions

increase in glass yield
by using Cyncly products

increase in sales
by using Cyncly solutions
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Innovate as the industry changes

Adapt to the demands of online engagement and scarce shop floor labor.

Utilize innovative software to combat rising raw material costs and fully leverage your machinery investments.

Reach new customers online

Embrace the future with a state-of-the-art online quoting and order system. Attract and retain a modern customer base, setting your business apart in today’s competitive market.

Efficient shop floor

Improve labor and raw material usage, and accelerate product lead times, paving the way for a leaner operation.


Profit through innovation

See your margins grow as you employ our solutions to cut unnecessary labor and optimize resources.


Seize the moment to redefine glass fabrication 

With Cyncly’s cutting-edge solutions, transition into a digitized, efficient future now.

  • Reduce non-value added work
  • Better customer relationships
  • Reduce labor costs
  • Increase mobility of point of sale

A blueprint for excellence: enhancing glass fabrication

Tailored solutions for glass fabricators

SoftTechV6 Product Icon

Soft Tech V6

Soft Tech V6

Explore Soft Tech V6 software—enhancing design, estimating accuracy, and manufacturing precision for window and door industry standards.

Windows and Doors Glass
Manufacturing E-Commerce
Best for
Manufacture Sell Design

Need advice?

Build new online sales channels with a complete digital storefront, making it easy for customers to review catalog items and explore modular designs.

Talk to an expert

Used by 70,000+ customers worldwide to change and improve their business