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Next in flooring: AI and the online consumer


Rod Bayless

Rod Bayless

Next in flooring AI and the online consumer.jpeg

We’re living in an era of consistent evolution, where technology is steadily making its mark across numerous sectors. The flooring industry is no exception to this trend. The influential powers of technology for the flooring industry – notably artificial intelligence (AI) and online consumer education – are contributing to a gradual transformation within the sector. As the General Manager of Flooring at Cyncly, I’ve been actively following these changes and the opportunities they present for our industry.

In this era of gradual but persistent technological transformation, staying updated and adaptable is essential. The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) in particular demands attention, as overlooking its potential could mean missing a valuable opportunity for industry enhancement.

AI’s role in the flooring industry is steadily growing more significant. Imagine an AI system proficient in predicting emerging flooring trends, or an online tool assisting customers in finding the perfect match for their interiors. These aren’t mere speculations about the future – they’re tangible possibilities within our reach.

Alongside AI, online consumer education is an increasingly important factor shaping our industry’s trajectory. With e-commerce becoming the norm, the customer’s journey often begins online. Therefore, it’s crucial for retailers to provide thorough, user-friendly online resources.

Working on a laptop

Consumers today seek comprehensive information before making decisions. In the flooring industry, this means they need to understand various materials, their respective strengths and limitations, their compatibility with different spaces, and much more before a purchase. Catering to this demand is not just an aspect of good customer service – it’s a strategic approach to business.

Consumers will always want to feel the flooring they are interested in, but I foresee a future where they access all the information they need about flooring online. This includes understanding the environmental impact of different materials, the merits of sustainable options, and the technicalities of installation.

Our overarching aim should be to ensure that our customers are well-equipped with knowledge and confident in their choices. A well-informed customer is more likely to be content with their purchase, and there’s no better advocate for our industry than a satisfied customer.

While the shift towards a more digitally focused business model may bring challenges, I hold an optimistic view of the future. Change isn’t always smooth sailing, but it often paves the way for growth and enhancement. I am eager to continue this journey, harnessing these technological advancements to further elevate our industry. Though the path may have its share of obstacles, it’s a route worth navigating for the potential benefits it offers.

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